Terms of Use Of the “Molecular Future” virtual reality app by Evonik
Date: August 19th, 2020
These Terms of Use ("TERMS") govern the use of the “Molecular Future” virtual reality application provided in the Oculus App Store by US (“APP”). By using the APP, YOU agree to the TERMS and to the PRIVACY POLICY, which is also available in the Oculus App Store. If YOU do not agree with any term or condition set forth in these TERMS, do not use the APP. Please read the TERMS carefully!
WE reserve the right to modify, amend or replace the TERMS at any time.
“APP” means the “Molecular Future” virtual reality application provided in the Oculus App Store by US.
“EVONIK”, "WE," "US" or "OUR" means Evonik Operations GmbH with registered seat at Rellinghauser Str. 1-11, 45128 Essen, Germany.
“IPR” means any right, title and interest in and to the APP. This includes in particular, without limitation patents, copyrights, rights in TRADEMARKS, trade secret rights, moral rights and other intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights arising under the laws of any jurisdiction.
“PRIVACY POLICY” means the Data Protection Policy for the APP provided by EVONIK in the Oculus App Store.
“TERMS” means these Terms of Use in its current version at the time.
“TRADEMARKS” shall mean any trademarks, service marks, trade dress, trade names, corporate names, proprietary logos or indicia, designs and other source or business identifiers.
“USER”, “YOU” or “YOUR” means the individual who uses the APP. The individual can act on its own (i) or on behalf of an entity (ii). In case (ii), it is clarified that USER accepts these TERMS also on behalf of the entity and that such entity is also responsible for any acts or omission of its USER as if they were acts and omissions of the entity hereunder and that only its employees and integral consultants can be authorized to use the APP on its behalf. In case (ii), any USER represents and warrants that he/she is permitted and authorized to act on behalf of the entity.
2.1 EVONIK grants, at its own discretion, to each USER a non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable license to use the APP in its current version at the time. In case of non-compliance with the TERMS the license of the respective USER shall automatically terminate with immediate effect. Upon termination of the license YOU must delete the APP and content derived thereof.
2.2 By using the APP, YOU undertake neither to use the APP in any way that could damage, disable, overburden or impair the functionality of the APP, nor to use, copy, adapt, modify, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, attempt to derive the source code of, prepare derivative works based upon, distribute, license, sell, rent, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, stream, broadcast or otherwise exploit the APP, except as expressly permitted by US in writing or as permitted under applicable law.
2.3 EVONIK reserves the right to change, suspend or discontinue the provision of the APP at any time without giving reasons and without any liability resulting thereof.
The use of the APP does neither require registration, nor will WE collect data resulting from YOUR usage of the APP.
4.1 WE shall retain all IPR and YOU acknowledge and agree to this when using the APP. YOU may not make any use of any IPR unless otherwise agreed in writing between YOU and US.
4.2 No IPR may be duplicated, disseminated, modified and/or made available to the public unless permitted under applicable copyright laws. In particular, its use on websites is prohibited.
4.3 YOU agree to notify US promptly in writing upon discovery, in case of any unauthorized use or infringement of the IPR. In these cases, both the USER as well as the entity the USER is acting on behalf of an entity, agrees to indemnify US for any damage resulting thereof.
5.1 The APP is provided on an “as is” basis and free of charge.
5.2 WE do not make any warranties or representations, expressed or implied, regarding usability, suitability, fitness, reliability, merchantability, accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the APP, its contents and any deductions and results thereof.
5.3 WE hereby expressly exclude any warranty or liability for the APP, its contents and any deductions and results thereof, including, without limitation, regarding usability, suitability, fitness, reliability, merchantability, accuracy, completeness or timeliness, insofar as legally possible.
5.4 YOU assume all responsibility and risk for YOUR use of the APP.
6.1 In no event shall WE or OUR suppliers be liable for any damage arising out of the use or the inability to use the APP, including, without limitation, for any damages for loss of data or due to business interruption.
6.2 The above limitation of liability shall not apply for damages caused by US through gross negligence or intent, in case if injury to life or body or in cases of mandatory liability.
WE reserve the right to assign the TERMS to an affiliated company in terms of section 15 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) without any further notice or consent being necessary, as YOU grant YOUR consent in advance, when using the APP.
If any provision of the TERMS is or becomes, in whole or in part, invalid or unenforceable, the other provisions of the TERMS shall remain in full force and effect.
9.1 The TERMS are subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany without regard to its conflict of laws principles. The United Nations Convention on Contracts and the International Sale of Goods (CISG) of April 11, 1980 shall not apply.
9.2 The courts of Essen (North Rhine-Westphalia), Germany, shall be the exclusive place of jurisdiction.
9.3 Information according to § 36 Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz (“VSBG“):
WE will not participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board according to the VSBG and we are not obliged to do so.
For support, feedback and queries regarding the APP please do not hesitate to contact US under
Evonik Operations GmbH
Corporate Foresight
Paul-Baumann-Straße 1
45772 Marl
The VR-App “Molecular Futures” presents five scenarios for the future(s) of the specialty chemicals industry in 2040. The app is intended to create an immersive experience of the respective scenarios by placing the user in everyday settings - from the bathroom to the workplace. For more insights on the scenario project please visit the Creavis homepage.
Published by:
Evonik Operations GmbH
with registered seat at Rellinghauser Straße 1-11, 45128 Essen, Germany.
Court of Registry:
Amtsgericht Essen, Handelsregister B20227
Represented by the Board of Management:
Dr. Joachim Dahm, Dr. Rainer Fretzen, Lauren Kjeldsen, Dr. Claus Rettig, Alexandra Schwarz, Johann-Caspar Gammelin
VAT-ID-No. DE 811160003
Bernd Hopfengärtner, Johannes Mahn, Normals, Björn Theis
About Futures Scenarios.
Scenario studies are complex and extensive bodies of text involving diverse areas of mostly scientific knowledge. They describe the conditions that could emerge if the world would develop in one or the other way. Scenario studies are used for strategic planning at the top level but also throughout organizations. They create awareness for possible change, allow for testing of strategies and foster a future oriented, innovative mindset.
The Power of VR.
Where scenario studies describe the conditions of possible future worlds, Virtual Reality can spell them out: How will these Futures actually look like, what kinds of products will be used, what values are important for people and on which paradigms will the world operate? A narrative and interactive experience puts people in the midst of it, to experience and reflect on it first hand.
How to get the Future in the room?
We set out to create a Virtual Reality application allowing the user to wake up in 5 different Futures. Instead of showing abstract descriptions of these futures, we designed an everyday setting to be experienced - a bathroom and a workplace. For each of the five futures, the room structure would be the same but everything else would change. But how do you hint at the greater forces defining a time from the perspective of a bathroom?
Speculative Objects.
Like in a film we have actors guiding us through the world. Only in Molecular Futures these are objects, not people. Every object in our environments is purposefully designed to reflect the varying conditions in the 5 scenarios - different production paradigms, values, dominating technologies or economic situations. A toothbrush can reflect a throw-away culture or a digital future where everything is measured and optimized. The objects are interactive and have little text boxes with additional information attached to them.
Voice-Over and Radio.
Every scene starts with a voice over portraying a person representative of this future. Each character has particular ideas and qualities giving more insight in the world. To introduce broader factors- political, environmental or economic, there is a type of radio in each bathroom playing the news when activated.
Switching Futures.
The VR Experience is designed to be immersive and to put people in a mindset of critical observation. To support this idea, we installed a mechanism to easily switch back and forth between the five Futures - It is not necessary to go through them one after the other. This allows people to constantly compare what changes between these world and question why.
Bernd Hopfengärtner
As a futurist designer Bernd has been applying speculative design and fiction in foresight, academia and the cultural scene. He has worked commercially with clients such as Deutsche Bahn, Evonik and Volkswagen, and in academia as a faculty member at the Bauhaus University Weimar and the Cologne Academy of Media Art.
His work has been exhibited internationally in venues such as the Wellcome Trust in London, the MoMA in New York and the National Museum of China in Beijing. He has been awarded the prize of the Bauhaus-University Weimar and the Core77 Design Award. Bernd holds a Masters degree from the Royal College of Art in Design Interactions.
—> berndhopfengaertner.net
A Berlin and Paris-based creative collective lying at the intersection of design and fiction. A mix of the visual, literary, prototypical, and functional, their output creates a rich narrative universe and to some, an anticipated future. The collective has been noted for its work on augmented reality fashion, shown internationally from the NY Fashion Week, to The National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, speculative public talks, and an eponymous graphic novel series distributed worldwide.
N O R M A L S is also engaged in future imaginary consultancy and mentoring through their ‘Future Fishing TrainingcProgram’ with clients such as Accenture, Mexico City, and IASS Potsdam.
—> normalfutu.re