Hydrogen: The hope of the energy transition

Hydrogen is an alternative to fossil fuels for various applications. The use of hydrogen is intended to defossilize not only industrial processes such as steel production, synthesis of ammonia and methanol, but also transport. In addition, hydrogen offers a solution to store renewable energy long-term.

The use of green hydrogen from electrolysis as a raw material, energy source, or storage medium depends on factors, such as:

  • Hydrogen price for the end customer
  • CO2 pricing
  • Local availability
  • Competition of alternative technologies

The price of hydrogen for the end customer is determined by distribution and manufacturing costs. The cost drivers to produce green hydrogen from electrolysis are the high investment costs and the price of renewable energy.

With our AEM-Technology for the alkaline membrane water electrolysis, we want to reduce the investment and operating costs for electrolyzer, which enables the competitive production of green hydrogen. By doing so, our partners and customers can position themselves as leaders in a sustainable hydrogen economy.

Mobility accounts for approximately 14% of the global CO2 emissions. Hydrogen-based transportation can provide a sustainable solution, especially when it comes to long-haul and heavy-duty transportation. In this area, battery-powered vehicles are limited owing to their short-range and long refueling cycles. The limited availability of raw materials for battery production and the high investment costs for the necessary expansion of the power grid mean hydrogen-based transport can have a significant impact.

For hydrogen to become a real alternative to e-mobility, the manufacturing costs for green hydrogen from electrolysis need to remain under 3 €/kg*. 


The use of green hydrogen enables the defossilization of long-distance and heavy-duty transportation!

The local production of hydrogen through electrolysis is already profitable for laboratory or pilot plants. The cost of delivering hydrogen cylinder bundles is eliminated and any supply bottlenecks can be avoided.

The chemical industry requires large quantities of hydrogen as a raw material to run refineries and to produce chemical products such as ammonia and methanol. Currently, most hydrogen comes from fossil sources. By switching to defossilized hydrogen, the carbon footprint of chemical products can be significantly reduced.

However, for this to be a reality in large chemical plants, the costs of green hydrogen from electrolysis should not exceed 2 €/kg*. 


Green hydrogen can reduce the carbon footprint of products from the chemical industry!

The steel industry accounts for between 7% to 9% of global emissions. Coke is used in the blast furnace to reduce iron ore, which results in around 1.4 tons of CO2 emissions being generated per ton of crude steel.

Hydrogen could be used as an alternative reducing agent to fossil fuels for iron ore. Not only would this reduce CO2 emissions from steel production, but it would also have a significant impact on total global emissions. For this switch to occur, it needs to be economical and hydrogen would need to cost less than 1 €/kg.


Hydrogen as a reducing agent in steel production could massively reduce CO2 emissions!

The fluctuating production of renewable energy makes efficient and sustainable energy management difficult. In summer, renewable energy is disconnected from the electricity grid when it is overloaded by overproduction. So how can this excess energy be stored for periods of undersupply?

Hydrogen could be a solution for efficient energy management, as hydrogen is not only storable but can also be converted back into electrical energy. The construction and transport of hydrogen in pipelines is also significantly cheaper than an expansion of the electricity grid.

When there is an overproduction of renewable energy, green hydrogen can be produced at low cost and stored for when there is an undersupply from renewable energy. Overproduction of energy means the electricity costs for the operation of an electrolyzer become negligible. Low investment costs for electrolyzers are the key to cost-effective green hydrogen production.


Hydrogen can be used to store renewable energy and enable efficient energy management!

To achieve all of this, the production costs for green hydrogen must be reduced, among other things. Our AEM technology for AEM electrolysis is intended to lower investment and operating costs for electrolyzers.


* Source: Hydrogen Council 2020